The leaves are falling and the mornings are a bit chillier and it is officially feeling like fall! I love everything this new season brings from all the outdoor activities & food to the people to share these experiences with. It just feels good. I was recently talking to some friends the other day about all the fun things we have to plan this fall for all of us and that led into a whirlwind of incredibly great ideas for the remainder of the season and all the way through New Year’s Day! Can you believe it? Planned out activities through NEW YEAR’S DAY already!

I love all the ideas for activities to do and I am even more excited about the different people I have all these plans with, but then my mind went somewhere else. How am I going to have time for all of these different things? What about all the things that I want to do with my family? What about my other friends? What about the things I want to do by myself and for myself? There’s just not enough time for all of this! Oh, and then all of these different events are going to be so much fun, but also the expenses are going to add up fast! We’re talking racecar fast! See ya later to that extra moo-lah I told myself I was going to start saving this month or the extra student loan payments I wanted to make next month.

Not only is there definitely not enough time for all the stuff I want to do the rest of this year which was so clearly pointed out this past week, but there is no way there is enough money for all of these activities. I mean come on, the main purpose of all of these activities isn’t the time or money, it’s really that I want to enjoy life with the people I love most and spend as much time with them experiencing all I can with the people I enjoy being around the most. Then I started to realize that I wouldn’t be able to do everything I wanted and I instantly went to that dark hole of “I’m not enough” because if I was enough I would be able to figure out how to fit all of this in. (Scary thought, huh?)

You know how that crazy mind cycle starts you off with there’s not enough time, then there’s not enough money, oh and then since you can’t figure those two pieces out, you take an unexpected left jab at your face with your next thought of “I am not enough.” Your mind tells you can’t love yourself yet because you’re not pretty enough, strong enough, successful enough, creative enough, smart enough, healthy enough, or liked enough. The list goes on and on of things you aren’t enough of yet.  Am I right? Tell me I’m not alone with these feelings of there’s never enough or I’m not enough yet! You know what though?


Shaming yourself with all the “I am not enough talk” or “there’s not enough” does nothing for you or me. You are incredibly worthwhile. You are talented. You have unique strengths that no one else has. You can choose to see this situation differently and choose to see the value in yourself and everything that makes you “enough” at any moment you choose.

There are three things I actually do when I slip into these fleeting dark moments of scarcity & thinking there’s not enough or I’m not enough:

I say the actual words out loud “I am enough” There’s a big difference between saying it in your head and actually vocalizing it and saying it out loud. Do it. Try it. It makes a difference. I promise.

I write down two specific things that I value about myself each day for a week.

I say a little prayer of thanks for all the many things I’m grateful for in my life. This takes me out of focusing on what I don’t have enough of and changing my mindset to seeing the absolute abundance of things I have to be grateful for in my life. It’s truly humbling.

These things help me recognize and value who I am and what I have going on in my life. You know what else? When you value yourself you naturally attract people who value you too. How awesome is that? I know I would much rather be around people who are genuine and value me and their time spent with me than those who could care less about it and are on their phone 24/7 when I’m trying to have a conversation with them. Think about it – all the reasons you are so worth it.

Hugs & Mochas,


About Amanda

Hi Darlings! I'm Amanda! I'm all about intentionally creating a life worth falling in love with. I am a life design coach based in the heart of Minnesota embracing life with my mini doxie named Boots.

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    1. I agree! You naturally project on others what you think you deserve and how you believe you should be treated. It’s such a great reminder to make time for those who genuinely care and who you can be your true self around. You are SO worth it!

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