29+ Critical Lessons for Success from 29 years of Living, Learning, & Leaning into Life
1. You are not a victim. You are the hero of your life. Always choose to participate in your own rescue.
2. Celebrate each ordinary moment. It’s the ordinary moments that create the beauty in your life. Each week I pour myself a glass of champagne and cheers to this gorgeous, blessed life I have been given. These ordinary weekly moments are the moments that change my destiny
3. The world is your classroom and the people in it are your assignments. Every interaction you have encountered with the people in this world is a lesson to teach you something you need to learn.
4. You have a way about you that no one else has. You are unique. You bring something special to the world. Everything you do, only you can do in the special way that you do it.
5. Smiles are contagious. When was the last time you flashed your gorgeous smile at someone? I bet they couldn’t resist smiling back.
6. Mom always knows best. Your go-to resource will always be your mom, even when your Google Home is right at your fingertips.
7. Embrace the unexpected. This year is nothing that I could have ever predicted, but it’s been incredible every step of the way, from love to loss and achievement to failure. It all happened, and I learned from every single opportunity.
8. Mindful expectations. What if you adopted the perception that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have? I bet you would have a lot of more love for your neighbor sitting next to you on the bus if you approached life that way.
9. Create a gratitude practice. Whether it’s writing down in a journal what you are grateful for or saying it out loud, it changes your world when you remember your blessings in life on a consistent basis.
10. The one question you must ask yourself each day. What’s good about this?
11. Everyone plays the game of life differently. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to buy a house, get married, have babies or do all the other things your adulting friends are doing. Don’t compare your chapter 29 to someone else’s chapter 42.
12. Each year you will continue to surprise yourself. I somehow went from the girl only drinking a fancy mocha with all the chocolate, sugar, and milk that could possibly be added in, to now completely enjoying a heavenly Americano with just a dash of cream. Say what?
13. Stay curious about life. There is so much to learn and new experiences to be had.
14. The only meaning anything has is the meaning you choose to give it. You get to choose the meaning you give to things and that meaning you give to events and the things that people say dictate the actions and choices you make.
15. Listen to your heart. When you take the time to listen to your heart beat with both hands on your heart, it centers you back in to life instead of the limiting belief stories that you have previously let steer the wheel of your life up until now. It helps you center back into the truth of YOU.
16. You are worthy of love and success. You are worthy right now. Not after you achieve or do X, Y, or Z. You, as you are right now, are worthy of love & worthy of your version of success.
17. Dogs are the animal that express the most empathy for their owner. A dog can change your whole world. Your dog will always love you without judgement. Not to mention they are the best stress reliever and cutest little bundles of energy and joy!
18. Invest in yourself. Hiring a life coach is one of the best investments I have EVER made in my life. I cherish my time growing, learning, working through the messy stuff, understanding, and celebrating my wins.
19. Community over competition. When women support women, incredible things take flight and mountains are moved. Just think what would happen if all people loved all people?
20. With faith and God anything is possible.
21. Life is a choice. Everyday it’s a choice you make.
22. When you love what you do, it truly doesn’t feel like you are working a day in your life. I have now finally experienced this.
23. This day is a miracle. You are a miracle. The fact that you were created on the day that you were to the family that you have is a miracle. Let yourself be amazed by the miracles in life and cherish every moment you have.
24. Know when to listen to understand & hold the bucket vs. listening to help and create solutions. Sometimes people need to vent and want someone listen to them and other times people need a Miss Fix it. Know the difference and don’t be afraid to ask the person who you are talking with what they need.
25. Highly Sensitive people and empathy are what can change the world. Tears don’t mean you’re weak and they aren’t a bad thing. They can represent happiness, joy, suffering, empathy, care, and so much more. Don’t let someone tell you that you are too emotional. Feelings are to emotions, what waves are to the ocean.
26. Expand your circle. No this doesn’t mean you need to go network with a bunch of new people, but actually meeting your online Instagram gals IRL (in real life) is where the magic happens.
27. We all have a purpose in life. It’s your job to figure out why you are here and how God can use you best.
28. Find faith in Failing. Faith can carry you through everything no matter how difficult the lesson may be that God wants you to learn. He is preparing you for the great work you are going to do in this world
29. Be rich in relationships with people. Money can’t buy genuine connections. And genuine connections and relationships with people create the real beauty, fulfillment, and richness of our lives.
Lessons from 29 years of Living, Learning, & Leaning into Life
30. Replace “I Have to” with “I Get to”. Have an attitude of gratitude with everything you do. Gratitude eliminates the feeling of fear. It’s scientifically impossible to feel gratitude & fear at the same time. Gratitude will change your perspective on things and that perspective will change what you choose to see every single day.
31. Prayer is powerful. Prayer is the most powerful communication we have in the world and even though I have experienced the power of prayer, I still know it is so much more powerful than I realize. Prayer creates peace, relief, love, strength, courage, and so much more when we connect to the most powerful being in the universe through prayer.
32. Sleep ― it is so important. I was the girl who went from 4-5 hours of sleep a night to enjoying a luxurious eight hours a night. Not only did I never think I could make the time for this, but I realized along the way that it’s so worth every minute of it! Not to mention that in all the latest research done, getting enough sleep is one of the biggest preventative practices you can do to minimize your chance of getting dementia & Alzheimers.
33. It’s not about you. Focus on serving others and your stress and expectations on how you should do this life will be lifted.
34. Again, It’s not about you. Many times we can get caught up in “I didn’t do this good enough.” or “I didn’t help out with _______ the way I should have.” What if you got out of your head and stopped focusing on yourself and started focusing on other people and ask them what they need?
35. There are no ordinary moments. When you start to live like every moment actually matters, you show up in the world very differently. When you look for the intention behind everything you do and choose to be fully present in each moment it changes the course of your life.
36. With faith and God anything is possible.
As you read through these lessons of mine, I’m sure you can relate with some of them more than others. Which lesson resonates with you the most? Share in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear what you have to share about your own experiences. And if you found this helpful for you, please share this with someone in your life that you want to send some encouragement too. One email can change someone’s whole day!
Hugs & Mochas,
- Open letter to my son on his first birthday. - July 8, 2024
- To My Husband On Father’s Day - June 15, 2024
- THE YOU MATTER PODCAST- Episode 10 - February 6, 2023
LOVE X1000000!
Amanda, what a beautiful list. I had to learn to stop being a victim. That changed my life.
Yes, with faith and God, anything is possible! I’ve had to learn to take care of myself too.
I’m sharing your post on Twitter and Pinterest. Thank you!
This is a really great list of life lessons. I love the first one. It is so so important to know that we can participate in our own rescue! In fact, the rescue doesn’t work unless we are participating in it!