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To My Husband On Father’s Day

It’s your first Father’s Day and nothing could have prepared me for how this makes me feel. 

Kurt and BrunoFrom the moment you found out you were going to be a dad and started referring to our future son as little “Johnny” or “Junior” as you started talking about all the things you wanted to do with him,  to now on this day with our little Bruno almost a whole year old, so much has changed.

Yes, it’s been a wild ride, the kind with all the dips, twists, turns and hanging upside down kind of ride. But you are the most perfect partner to be on this parenthood rollercoaster with. Clearly you and I are definitely not perfect, but we are perfect together and God sure knew what he was doing in having us start this parenthood journey together with Bruno. 

Over the last year, there are just a few things I haven’t said before or I haven’t said enough times as I’ve seen you embrace more and more each day, your role as dad. I thought today would be a great day to let you in on how incredible I think you are.

The way you include Bruno in all the little things that make him smile is so sweet. Sure, it slows you down when you have him help you open the blinds, get the mail etc. , but it’s fun to see you have the patience in this way with him. You find such joy in these little moments with him day after day.

Seeing how playful you get with him whether during a game of peek-a-boo or while reading stories to him, is something that I find so much joy in watching. You sure have a special way of connecting with him. Knowing how much you delight in our son and prioritize time with him is something that I never knew I would love watching so much.

You are such an encouraging father. Even at his young age I see you being so encouraging with Bruno trying new things for the first time like rolling over, crawling, learning to clap, or turning the light switch on or off. I love that you pay attention to these little details of his life and that you are already actively encouraging him to keep learning.

As B gets more mobile, I’ve noticed how you start looking out for his safety. That’s something that’s always been a quality of yours. You are protective. You are protective so he doesn’t pull a shelf down on himself or doesn’t crawl into dog messes in the backyard. But it’s really been that way from the beginning. You have always been protective of me as Bruno’s mom when he was just a little bean sized guy in my belly. You have always wanted what’s best for the two of us and we can always count on you to be our protector and solid rock.

Thank you for choosing to be active in Bruno’s life every single day. Yes, sometimes he has kept us up a lot at night and sometimes his dirty diaper can be smelled here all the way to France, but that doesn’t stop you. You are resilient and persevere even if it’s with an energy drink in your hand just praying your headache subsides soon. You show up day after day wanting to be supportive and wanting to be involved. The changing, bathing, feeding, bedtime routines and so much more are better because you are a part of it. Did I mention I melt a little inside when I hear you singing to him at bedtime from across the hall? Oh goodness do I ever! I love the way you love him.

As I reflect on your fatherhood journey so far, I think back to the early days and can’t help but think of how supportive you’ve been on this whole journey emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You were right there holding the bucket while I was vomiting in labor and tried to warm me up while I was shivering, shaking and crying wondering when we were going to finally meet our little B. You sat with me to keep me company during countless hours of nursing and cluster feeding Bruno. You took care of our home, meals, countless dishes and so much more when I couldn’t get out of bed. You encouraged me to start walking again when I felt too weak because you knew how good it would make me feel to move and actually get outside again. You prayed for me and encouraged me in ways that I needed more than you even know. Your patience & willingness to try and understand is truly one of a kind.

I’m looking forward to all the fun memories we are going to keep creating together, but especially watching all the ones you and Bruno share. Bring on more eating cereal together, swinging at the park, going for family walks, sandy beach sitting, hanging in the hammock and laughing at all your classic “Dad Jokes.’

I sure do love you, Kurt! I know Bruno does too, you can just see it in the way he looks at you!

You’re a great dad and a wonderful husband!

Happy 1st official Father’s Day!

About Amanda

Hi Darlings! I'm Amanda! I'm all about intentionally creating a life worth falling in love with. I am a life design coach based in the heart of Minnesota embracing life with my mini doxie named Boots.

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  1. What a beautiful letter to Kurt! I love how you take note of all the little things that mean so much. How wonderful to have such a supportive partner. I hope Kurt has a great 1st Father’s Day! He’s lucky to have you and Bruno!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! I appreciate it!! It truly is the little things in life that make up the bigger memories. Trying my best to remember all of these little details.
      Kurt had a great Father’s Day weekend! I hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating your husband and dad as well!

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