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It’s a Monday night, you get home from work, make yourself some tacos for dinner because it’s easy and after all who doesn’t love a good taco? After dinner you plop down on the couch and turn on your TV and watch reruns of Friends until it’s time to head to bed. Does that sound familiar? Maybe that’s even what you did last night? Don’t worry this is a judgement free zone. Do you ever find yourself wondering and yet so powerfully certain at the same time that, “There’s gotta me something more than this.” I for one know from firsthand experience that there is more to life than this.

I was always the girl who was looking for a way to change a life and give back ever since I was little. I’ve always opted for volunteering with different organizations as my way to make a difference, but there are so many unique ways that you can positively impact those around you. And you know what? Not only does helping someone else out make a difference in someone else’s life, but it also makes a difference in your own life.

Wait, helping other people can make a difference in my life? Yeah girl, hold on. We’re getting to that.

Taking the time to think about others, volunteering our time, helping someone with their groceries or however else we might do it, has an immense impact on our overall happiness and fulfillment in our own lives. You are not alone with this feeling to make a difference. In fact, so many people have a desire to make a difference that Match.com even decided to add it as one of the only 20 “Bucket List” options you can choose from that they have singles fill out when they first complete their dating profile.

We all have a desire to be seen, to be valued, and to be heard, truly heard. In most cases when we spend time helping others or volunteering with an organization we not only feel good on the inside, but we feel valued by the organization or by the person we are helping. We feel like we matter. We ALL have a desire to feel like we matter in this 7.5 billion people packed world and making a difference, makes us feel like we matter. It makes us feel validated. It makes us feel like we are important.

No matter where we are in our life, no matter what type of schedule we currently have, there is always a way to make a difference in somebody’s life.

Here is my three step process that I am so excited to share with you about how you can intentionally start to make a positive difference in someone’s life today.

Three steps to making a difference:

  1. Define what making a difference means to you. This is the first step because you want to be intentional in your approach. There’s no use volunteering where your best friend does if it doesn’t light you up inside. It’s so easy for us to compare ourselves to others even when it comes to doing good in the world and giving back, but try your best not to play the comparison game. Define what making a difference means to you in the current season of life you are in and don’t mind what your neighbor has going on.


  1. How can you uniquely contribute? What are the strengths you have? Maybe it’s a personality trait that makes you naturally really great at taking care of dogs, playing with kids, or playing card games with the elderly. Evaluate what you know to be true about yourself and what you enjoy doing. Think about what you feel like you have been called to do in this world. Is there a specific role that you want to play in giving back and making a difference?


  1. Do what you want to do. Do you like helping out in groups or do you prefer to volunteer alone? Is there a passion project that you’ve been dying to start that would have positive impact on many lives? Is there a specific cause that you want to try to figure out how to get involved with? Think about what you want to do and why it means something to you. Many times the things that have meaning to us go so much deeper than that we want to make a difference. Try filling out the following sentence in helping you decide what your deeper meaning is.


“I want to do___________________ because of _____________________ and by doing this it will make me feel__________________________.”


If you want to dig in even deeper with this 3 step process to see the specific questions to ask yourself on how you can truly make a difference big or small, I have a special gift for you. It’s the Make An Impact guide for you to use in order to help you find your own niche that has meaning and heart specifically to you which will help make you the happiest person you know!

And if you want help finding a specific cause that you can help out with on October 28th – National Make A Difference Day, you can hop over here to visit my friends at Make A Difference Day who curated this beautiful way of finding a cause near you to help with!

Remember, making a difference doesn’t have to be saved for October 28th, you can choose to make a difference in someone’s life starting today or any day you choose.

Drop in the comments below how you choose to make a difference in someone’s life! I would love to hear all about it!

Hugs & Mochas,



About Amanda

Hi Darlings! I'm Amanda! I'm all about intentionally creating a life worth falling in love with. I am a life design coach based in the heart of Minnesota embracing life with my mini doxie named Boots.

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