If you read “my story” you got to know a little about my personal life right? Here’s the other half to that. Years ago when I was a fresh college grad, I started working in corporate retail. I had worked in retail for 7 years on the corporate level and since I was the tender age of 14 on the storefront side. Retail merchandising was in my blood. I also had a huge other side of me that stemmed from my early love for Miss Oprah Winfrey in elementary school, who I still adore and who inspires me daily! This is the part of me that started this website and my dedication to help you & others just like you.
Let me take you back to quite a few years ago now. I was drowning at work in my first job after college. Work was my life. All I was craving was more time for the things I loved and spending time with the family and friends who I loved oh so dearly. It absolutely killed me every time I had to tell my family or friends that I couldn’t do this or that with them because I had to work that night or weekend outside of normal business hours. I was desperately craving for my life to slow down, for it to stop spinning out of control, & to just get a grip on it. The first part of a shift in my story happened after I joined a womens network group at Target for finding your own authentic leadership style. This was my workplace saving grace and the highlight of my every month when we would get together.
Soon after that, there were some disappointments and long work days that pushed me over the edge and lead me to make the decision to go on a road trip all by myself. Just me, myself, & I. I intentionally had no map, no plan, nothing. Crazy huh? It was just me and the open road. That was an incredibly awakening adventure for me. I came back with a total different perspective on everything and knew I needed a life change. I thought there just has to be more to life than this. (I shared all about that road trip experience over here where the Huffington Post loved it so much that they published it on their website!).
I came back from that trip by myself absolutely craving big change, I had a different life perspective, but I came back to my same frustrating situation I had left with. I needed a way out. As I was trying to figure out how to make this happen and go after all the things I identified that were most important to me after that trip, I was still preparing for promotion interviews again as well as applying for countless jobs across the country and internationally. Interviewing and trying to find a company that would be a good fit was exhausting on top of my normal job responsibilities. I was physically and emotionally wiped out of life. I wouldn’t sleep, I was full of so many emotions daily, and the crying phone calls to my dad where he constantly reminded me to go to God in prayer and that God has a plan for me was my everything and it kept me from completely drowning.
The following August I got a new job, with a promotion, decent hours, and a family type atmosphere – It was great! (God in fact, did have a plan!)But I was still missing something. I had just turned 25 (which completely freaked me out at the time) and felt like there was more that I was meant to do with my life. I didn’t know what that was at the time, but I honestly felt I was meant to make a bigger difference in this world. So I hired a life coach and that my friends was one of the very best decisions I have EVER made in my life!
That triggered me into recognizing my own skill and love of helping others in this way of personal growth & career development coaching after hiring a coach myself and understanding the pivotal life changing realizations I have had through the work I’ve done with my own coach. She’s incredible and I adore working with her! This is how I stepped in fully to coaching and dedicating my life to helping, guiding, and celebrating all of the wonderful clients I work with!