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Common Signs for Hiring a Life Coach

I was 24 and feeling like something wasn’t quite right in my life. I wanted someone to talk to, someone other than my friends who I thought would judge me for these thoughts and dreams I had in my heart. I wanted to make the most of the time in my life and I wanted to find a way to leave a legacy and make a difference in this world long after I’m gone.

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That’s when I decided to hire my own life coach. That’s when my life transformed. That’s when I finally faced fear and began to uncover layer after layer what I had built up around me to mask who I really was. That’s when for the first time ever, through working with my coach, I’ve felt complete joy and freedom in being unapologetically me!

If you’ve ever wondered if coaching is something that is for you or that you want to try, here are some of the signs that have come up in the lives of women that have led them to work with me. Whether you decide to work with me as your coach or find another coach that fits your specific need better – I wholeheartedly urge you to lean into that feeling of pursuing a coach because I know from firsthand experience that working with a life coach completely changed my life and the outcome of my future!

So, here you go! These are some of the signs that indicate that life coaching may be just what you’ve been searching for.

  1. You clicked on this post. I’m here for you friend, keep reading
  2. You are so overwhelmed each week that you feel like you are doing everything to you can to just survive, but are dying to get off that hamster feel
  3. Your head is constantly spinning of all the things you have to do and it’s beginning to affect your day and it keeps you from falling asleep at night
  4. You’re confused on what you want to do with your life and what your purpose in life is
  5. You want space to be free, open and vulnerable in. A space where you can trust someone enough to share your innermost thoughts that no one else knows. A space where you can share without judgement and with someone who has in impartial perspective
  6. Something seems off and out of flow, but you can’t quite put your finger exactly what it is
  7. You constantly find yourself saying “Someday I want to…” about everything, but rarely take action
  8. You feel like you “should” be farther along in life at your age
  9. You’ve got some goals sister, but you can’t get yourself to follow through and would love some accountability
  10. You are craving a clear vision of where you want to be in 5, 10, and 15 years from now. AND, you want guidance in creating a clear step by step plan on how to get there
  11. You feel like life is passing you by and that you have so much potential within you, but you don’t know where or what to do to make the most of this life you have and the time you have been given
  12. You keep doing the same routine each day even though you aren’t happy, but the thought of changing and stepping out of your comfort zone scares you
  13. You want to define your core desired feelings and values of who you are and what you are all about
  14. You want help prioritizing your big goals and help designing your days in a way that feels energizing
  15. You want encouragement and guidance on how to handle relationships in your life that are current stressaches
  16. You analyze a situation from every angle for hours, days, weeks, but you can never get yourself to make the decision or take the action needed once the decision is made.
  17. You had a life changing event happen such as a breakup or the loss of a loved one and you feel like a stranger in your own body. You aren’t the confident, energized woman you used to be and on top of that physically you find it having effects on who you are with weight gain or other health related illnesses
  18. You know what you want, but you want to get there faster and take the fast lane to making your goals a reality
  19. You have fear and anxiety about running out of time to do all the things you haven’t yet done
  20. You want to feel more connected with the people and the relationships in your life
  21. Your spouse or friends keep saying, you really need to talk to someone about this
  22. Your habits and patterns don’t support your goals and you want help identifying how to achieve lasting change
  23. You know there is more to life than the one you are living, but you don’t quite know how to reach it
  24. You want to be free and right now life feels more like a burden than a life of full honest freedom

life coach

Want to work with me as your coach?

Sign up for a Complementary Clarity Call to apply for coaching right HERE.

There are many other reasons why a person may decide to work with a life coach, but these are the most common causes I have come across from the women I work with. I want you to know that you don’t have to be a slave in your own life. You can make the choice to ask for guidance. You can take back your life and cultivate more of what matters most to you in order to truly start thriving!

Wow! That’s a lot to take in huh? Maybe it really got you to do some soul searching? Let me know what you are currently working through or possibly struggling with in your life. I want to be there for you! Go ahead – hit reply – it will just take a couple quick minutes to do! I can’t wait to hear from you and encourage you on your journey!

Hugs & Mochas,



About Amanda

Hi Darlings! I'm Amanda! I'm all about intentionally creating a life worth falling in love with. I am a life design coach based in the heart of Minnesota embracing life with my mini doxie named Boots.

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  1. I love this! Great list and beautiful site. Very inspiring! I’m just starting out on my coaching journey and agree with everything here.

    1. Thank you, Chel! That is so exciting you are starting your coaching journey! Please reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions. I’m always here to help! Celebrating you! XO

    1. Hey Rhonda! I’m so happy you found this helpful and valuable in your life. Thanks for stopping by! Have you ever experienced any of these signs before?

  2. A good list of reasons why somebody might find talking to a coach helpful. When I first worked with a coach, it changed my life. I quit my job and set up a business. Not what I expected at all! 5 years later and I’m loving running my own business, The Confident Mother.

    1. This is incredible, Sherry! Congrats on being in business 5 years and still thriving! I couldn’t agree more that working with a coach is a complete game changer! It completely shifts the future of your life!

  3. What do you think, is there any witness to recommend that life coaching is fruitful? Well, I don’t know about others, but my answer in this specific regard is ‘Yes’. Because I have witnessed so many instances where a life coach has given a lot to the individual while chasing victory and also made his life meaningful. Basically, all of us want maximum out of life, but it can be uncomplicated to just tell that where we all are at. In fact, there are some moments when the inspiration from a life coach can make all the difference. Moreover, I can say that if anyone is lacking confidence gradually and sensing that something is missing in his life, then he should hire a life coach, in order to boost his confidence and fill those gaps with more pleasure and success.

  4. I didn’t realize that there were so many reasons for why someone might hire a life coach. However, considering how common some problems like depression and anxiety are, I can see why these kinds of coaches would be necessary. I’ll even admit that I would love to break out of routing a bit more, but am too afraid of change to do so.

  5. I like that you mentioned how a life coach can provide you with accountability. This is something I really need in my life. It will help me be productive and achieve what I want.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thought. You are definitely not alone, Kenneth. Accountability is one of the top 3 reasons the women I work with hire me to coach them. Accountability is huge in creating lasting change.

  6. Thanks for the tip about finding a life coach to help provide follow through and accountability. Finding someone that you can be accountable to would really help you keep to the goals that you set. My husband and I are looking for a life coach, so we’ll have to consider how accountable they will hold us.

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